apt install debocker
Pero al arrancar un contenedor Docker mostraba un error y no iniciaba.
Buscando en Internet encontre informacion en estos 2 sitios [1] y [2].
Debemos editar el archivo del contenedor LXC en el servidor Proxmox:
nano /etc/pve/local/lxc/container_id.conf
Y agregar lo siguiente al final:
features: keyctl=1,nesting=1
Después de esto reiniciar el contenedor LXC y ya debera funcionar Docker.
Opciones activadas
keyctl= (default = 0)
For unprivileged containers only: Allow the use of the keyctl() system call. This is required to use docker inside a container. By default unprivileged containers will see this system call as non-existent. This is mostly a workaround for systemd-networkd, as it will treat it as a fatal error when some keyctl() operations are denied by the kernel due to lacking permissions. Essentially, you can choose between running systemd-networkd or docker.
nesting= (default = 0)
Allow nesting. Best used with unprivileged containers with additional id mapping. Note that this will expose procfs and sysfs contents of the host to the guest.
[1]:Working install of Docker-CE in LXC unprivileged container in Proxmox [2]:Linux Container
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